For many, many years, corrective lenses have been considered as the only effective way to treat various eyesight problems. In 1981 however, a Vision without Glasses concept was proposed by an eye-physician named William H. Bates. Bates believed that vision problems were mostly caused by constant strain to the eyes and saw eyeglasses as a completely ineffective treatment for curing the condition. He proposed that eyesight problems can be effectively treated by simply removing the factor that is causing the strain.
The Vision without Glasses program actually makes use of various techniques for curing eyesight problems. One of the most popular techniques that Bates proposed is a process called palming. Palming is a procedure that involves closing the eye at certain periods of time to help it relax. He claims that relaxation can be deepened by covering the closed eye with the palm without exerting pressure on the eyeballs.
Another technique commonly used in the Vision without Glasses concept is a process called visualization. Visualization involves creating mental images on the belief that this could bring about visual relaxation as well. Patients are usually instructed to visualize the different letters that they can see in the topmost part of the eye chart and to imagine other progressively smaller letters up until a period or a comma.
Bates claimed that moving the eye back and forth to get an illusion of certain objects can also help the eyes relax and de-stress. He proposed that the smaller the eyes “swing” from one side to another, the more beneficial it is to the health. One other way of doing this technique is to imagine a swinging object and to follow it with eyes closed.
Bates also believed that adequate exposure to sunlight can also help cure visual problems. He proposed that people with healthy eyesight can look at the sun or other sources of light straight in the eye without feeling pain or discomfort – which is very contrary to the belief that over-exposure to sunlight causes eye damage. Bates recommends that exposure be done gradually, for only a few seconds at a time.
Up to date, the Vision without Glasses program is still considered anecdotal and most of the techniques that are proposed for treating eyesight problems still need to be subject to studies and clinical tests. Several studies in the past have been conducted to substantiate Bate’s claims and most if not all of them failed to come up with significant findings and improvements on the test subjects’ current conditions.
However, there are now a number of people who have reported of the treatment’s affectivity. Certain cases of near-sightedness caused by spasms of the ciliary muscle for instance, were treated by swinging the eyeballs to-and-fro. Aside from that, studies on patients who stopped using corrective lenses also report of a “blur adaptation” where they experience a certain amount of improvement in vision several days after they have ceased using their glasses.
Bottom line, effects produced by the Vision without Glasses treatment can vary from one condition to the next. So stay on the safe side and seek the advice of an eye expert first before entrusting your condition to any kind of treatment.
Improve your vision without glasses by implementing effective exercises to improve vision