Computer Vision Syndrome – Why You Get Eyestrain and the Need for Computer Glasses

Computer eyestrain is the number one office-related health complaint in the U.S., with some 60 million Americans suffering from computer eyestrain according to the American Optometric Association. Computer use at work and home continues to grow exponentially. Computer use is associated with a number of visual and physical symptoms experienced by 50%-90% of all computer users. So, if you have experienced fatigue, headache, eye strain, blurred vision, dry or irritated eyes and neck or back aches at the computer it is possible that you are suffering just some of the symptoms called Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). Solving the symptoms of CVS requires a visit to your eye doctor to determine if you need corrective lenses while working at the computer, especially if your computer use is two or more hours a day. The reason for computer vision related problems is further explained with a simplified description of how the eye and brain processes visual information.

Working at a computer is more visually demanding than doing other standard office work such as reading printed documents. Human vision is not designed for staring into a computer screen. Your eyes require constant sharp edged images like the characters found on ink and paper to process and focus on comfortably. The eye system of lens focusing is referred to as accommodation. Computer images are made up of tiny round dots, known as pixels. Since your eye cannot focus on the tiny round pixels, you must constantly refocus or accommodate to keep the images sharp. The eyes can’t keep a constant relaxed focus on the computer screen, even when you increased the number of pixels per square or max out the computer’s refresh rate. The monitor is constantly being “redrawn”, and this eventually leads to repetitive stress of the eye muscles and fatigue.

Bifocals are not helpful at the computer. In fact, the bifocal only increases the problem since the reading portion of the bifocal is designed for a shorter distance than a computer screen and for a much lower visual angle. The tendency to lift the chin up and move closer to the screen just leads to lower back and neck problems. Progressive lenses (eyeglasses without bifocal lines) have the same shortfalls since the area for intermediate computer vision is found in the lower half of the glasses and the area for viewing is limited.

If you spend two or more hours working at the computer CVS can be a real problem at home or in the workplace. Savvy employers are beginning to recognize that increase work production can be realized with eyewear designed for computer use. Visit your eye doctor who is ready to help you eliminate the problems of Computer Vision Syndrome with a dedicated pair of computer glasses. You can benefit from a natural head and neck position with computer glasses or the new ergonomically designed clip-on computer reading glasses.

You can choose to have a dedicated pair of computer glasses custom made or you may be wondering how to convert your existing general purpose pair of eyeglasses that you use for distance and reading only into computer glasses. Well, there is an easy and affordable way by using a new innovative clip-on lens to view a computer monitor. Simply clipping the lens on to the bridge portion of your general wear eyeglasses that you are already wearing, and you can immediately feel and see the difference while working on a computer. Save your eyes from nagging eyestrain and improve your ability to be productive in the workplace as well. A pair of dedicated computer glasses or the new clip-on computer reading glass will do much for you in all aspects of work, as well as and make you a feel better outside of work since they will eliminate much of the eyestrain, lower back discomfort and neck pains that you are experiencing.

About The Author: Bill Valentine, Ph.D., is a Certified Ophthalmic Optician and Optical Educator with over 40years experience working closely with Ophthalmology and Optometry.Bill is committed to helping you find practical and affordable eyewear solutions to all your visual needs. Clip-on Computer Reading Glasses  
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