Most common prescription sunglasses lens colors available today and their uses

Prescription sunglasses are generally available in different lens colors. With many options to choose from, finding the one that best suits you can be a bit tricky and overwhelming. However, if you are aware of your needs and preferences, you can be able to trim down these options.

Not all lens colors are appropriate for every activity, weather condition, lifestyle, and sports. Before you decide which lens color to pick, make sure you that you identify first how you are going to use it, what is your lifestyle, and what is the purpose why you want such type of sunglasses. It also pays to know the basic information about the uses and each tint for sunglasses lens. Here are the uses of some of the most common sunglasses lens colors available today.


Green is the most versatile color for sunglasses. You can use it for almost every activity and for all types of weather condition. You can use it during weather conditions such as sunny, partly cloudy, cloudy, hazy or foggy, snowy, and in low light. It is also ideal for activities like cycling, water sports, fishing, playing golf, mountain biking, outdoor sports and leisure activities, skiing, and playing tennis.


Green is a neutral color that offers great contrast for low light weather conditions, and even color perception. Lenses with green tint are known to help decrease eyestrain and reduce glare without color distortion.


Brown or amber is likewise a neutral lens color. Just like green, it decreases eyestrain and dims glare without distorting colors. Brown tint typically contains a red element which helps enhance contrast and depth perception.


Brown is ideal for racing, driving, water sports, fishing, playing golf, shooting, playing tennis, and grass field sports. Brown lenses are warm and bright and are best to wear in areas where there is drastic weather conditions change. It best at blocking out blue light, making it your perfect eye partner during sunny days.

Neutral Gray

Gray is perhaps the darkest available color and the most commonly used tint for sunglasseslens. In fact, the military uses this color for their eyewear for more than 45 years already because it does not only offer absolute protection against the sun’s damaging UV rays.

Gray is also a neutral color that offers true color perception, and protection against glare without distorting colors. Gray tint has anti-fatigue qualities that help minimize eyestrain and eye fatigue. It is by far one among those that offer the highest available light reduction.


Gray is ideal for activities such as cycling, racing, driving, fishing and other water sports, mountain biking, playing golf, outdoor leisure and sports activities, playing tennis, and skiing, among others. Sunglasses with gray tint lenses can be used during sunny, partly cloudy, hazy, foggy, cloudy, and low light conditions.

Red and pink

Those with red and pink lens color are perhaps the most favorite sunglasses of women. They are fashionable, hot, elegant, and very feminine. When paired with a dazzling outfit, someone wearing a pair of pink or red sunglasses will surely attract more tantalizing eyes.

Both red and pink are ideal for sunny, partly cloudy, cloudy, and snowy days. They offer good road visibility, making them perfect for sports like cycling, racing, and driving. You can also use them when skiing.

Red and pink tints improve the visual depth and contrast of the sunglasses lens. Because they are excellent at blocking out blue light, as well as at minimizing glare, sunglasses with red or pink tint lenses are often used for working on the computer. They also help reduce eye strain and can be worn even for long periods of time.


Yellow lenses typically offer more clarity in hazy, low light, and foggy weather conditions. Just like red and pink, yellow also has the ability to filter out or block the blue light that is coming from electronic gadgets like computer, laptop, and tablets. That is why it is commonly used for tinted computer glasses and prescription sunglasses.


It has already been widely known that the blue light from the electronic gadgets causes a headache, eye strain, and eye fatigue. Needless to say, using eyeglasses x yellow lens decreases your risks to various pains and aches associated with computer use. It likewise enables the eye to keep focus.

Yellow lenses can be used for activities like racing, driving, skiing, playing tennis, target shooting, mountain biking, and aircraft piloting.

Orange and Amber

Just like yellow lenses, those sunglasses that have lenses with amber and orange tints have high contrast.  They also have the ability to block blue light but they have the tendency to distort colors.

Blue and Purple

Other famous tints for prescription sunglasses are blue and purple. Chances are, if you are to choose a lens tint without knowing anything about the purposes and uses of each color, you will likely go for either purple or blue. Well, you can’t be blamed for choosing either of these two colors as they are undeniably aesthetically pleasing and very trendy.


Apart from that, blue and purple sunglasses also have the ability to enhance color perception and contour while reducing glare. They also ideal for hazy, foggy, and snowy weather conditions.

You can use the sunglasses with blue and purple lens tints for activities like fishing and other water sports, playing golf, outdoor leisure, skiing, and playing tennis.

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