Comparing Eye Contact Lenses With Regular Eye Glasses

To most, the debate would seem to be an almost eternal one which people have been trying to sort out for ages. Some people claim regular eye glasses are better than contact lenses and some are on the other side of the war claiming that contacts are much better than eye glasses any day. Well to be fair and unbiased, the thing is that both contact lenses and eye glasses have their advantages and disadvantages and finding what exactly you’re looking for all depends on what your needs and circumstances are. Eyesight is rather important and for those who are visually impaired to some extent, seeing properly and clearly is what is required to determine what a suitable solution for their condition is and what is not.

When it comes to contact lenses, there are a lot of advantages and this fact is probably the reason why most people despite the argument, seem to prefer them over regular eye glasses. The whole reason why eye contact lenses were invented in the first place was to be a replacement for eye glasses. Unlike glasses contact lenses tend to allow for a wider field of vision which is almost the same if not somewhat better than that of those with regular eye sight. The smaller and more stylish eye glasses are, the lesser the field of vision that they provide.

Contact lenses also provide the opportunity for those wearing them to see things much more naturally, the lens is placed directly over the cornea so everything looks the right size and nothing seems out of place. These lenses also work wonders in some sports when they can be worn without being displaced, special glasses have to be worn for those who want to participate in sporting events and who are visually impaired. When you wear contact lenses you need not be bothered about all this.

Some people think that eye glasses have no advantage over eye contact lenses but this impression is rather erroneous and glasses have a lot of advantages which contact lenses do not have. Some people actually recommend keeping a pair of glasses around in case and individual has problems with their contact lenses in an area where glasses prove much more proficient and reliable.

The first obvious advantage about glasses is that you simply put them on. Unlike contact lenses there is no need for advance preparation and all the wiping and disinfecting that goes into preparing to wear contact lenses. This also doesn’t go to include the disconcerting habit of having to put a finger in the eye. Sometimes when you’re in a rush, you just can’t afford this process.

Certain individuals tend to have allergies which mean they cannot wear eye contact lenses and in certain seasons wearing contact lenses might prove to be a serious problem so having glasses on hand to switch to when this is an issue, is a rather preferable situation at this juncture. Sometimes contact lenses are simply just not available and their wearers can benefit by having a pair of glasses on hand to help them out in their time of need.

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