The eyes are a lot like a muscle, in fact there are several muscles in and around the eyes that are responsible for vision. Like any other muscle group the effectiveness of the group can be compromised by fatigue, caused by too much, or improper use without rest. No wonder it is so common to experience the function of our eyes deteriorating! We know the importance of getting to the gym, or doing some stretching. It’s obvious that after a physically exerting activity we need to give our bodies a rest. Why then is it so unconventional to think that the function of our eyes could be improved with some exercise and strategic relaxation?
In today’s culture it is easy to see how our eyes could become fatigued. Many of us spend much of our time at work in front of a computer screen. Our infrequent breaks are spent checking out personal, and social messages on our smartphones, and when we get home we decompress by turning on the television, or reading a book (probably on an electronic device). We are staring at illuminated screens, that are oftentimes inches away from our face, all day long. In order to have better vision without glasses, it is necessary to relieve the stress that is put on our eyes by these demanding activities.
There are many ways to reduce strain on our eyes. One of the most obvious is to take breaks during your “visual workout.” A commonly agreed upon guideline is the 20-20-20 rule. Every twenty minutes take a break from what you are looking at, focus your eyes on something about twenty feet away for twenty seconds. This is an easy task. The difficult part is remembering to do it. Palming is another technique that can be used to relax the eyes, and relieve strain. Basically all this entails is placing the palms over ones eyes in a way that blocks all light without putting pressure on the eyes. The suggested positioning is to cross the bottom of one little finger over the other, and have them cross over the bridge of the nose. The effectiveness of the position can be verified by opening ones eyes and looking in all directions to confirm that no light can be seen, and no pressure is being put on the eye.
When relaxing the eyes it is always important to relax the mind. Weather palming, taking a twenty second break, or using any other method of relaxation for the eyes, best results are achieved if sitting in a strong, but comfortable position. Deep but natural breathing is also helpful. There is a close link between the brain and the eyes one can only be so relaxed if the other is straining.
Anthony is a finance professional dedicated to improving in every aspect of life. Vision is an important factor in the quality of life. See more advice on how to improve vision.